Will our children inherit a habitable planet?

I’m scared for my son.
I’m scared for my daughter.
I’m scared for every child across the world of their generation.
We are destroying the planet.
Their planet.
Please tell me, what is more important than the one planet you live on, which gives you a home, an existence, and the capacity to care about other issues? What is more important than ensuring your children survive?
I get that climate change is overwhelming. It’s a huge, complicated issue. People still deny it exists because that’s easier than facing it. It’s easier than listening to the dire, stark warnings of scientists.
But by denying, ignoring and doing nothing we are sentencing future generations to a terrible outcome where their home, air quality, and health will likely be compromised.
As one person I am trying to do something. I am trying to make sustainable choices and cut down my family’s consumption and carbon footprint. I volunteer with an environmental organization. But my efforts feel so small. So futile. ‪The fact is collectively we need to DO SOMETHING. ‬
It needs to be powerful. Our small voices need to join together to shout out to politicians, big businesses & industry. If they want our votes & dollars they need to LISTEN. They need to stop putting themselves and profit first, they need to stop polluting, they need to protect the planet. ‬
Which is why today I am asking if you will join me? Will you start small and go big? ‬
It takes just a few minutes to phone the politicians elected to serve YOU and tell them you want renewable energy and a fee on carbon emissions.
It takes one quick choice to refuse to buy a product made with palm oil that is adding to carbon-belching deforestation and destroying habitat for orangutans. It takes one small effort to fill a reusable water bottle instead of buying a plastic one on the go.
Will you reply to this post with your own commitment to the planet? Will you use the hashtag #myearthpromise to help me start something? Can you inspire others to advocate for our kids and the planet protection they need?
I’m tired of being scared, I’m tired of that sick feeling in my stomach whenever I read another grim warning from science. I’m tired of the grief I feel for my children’s future. #myearthpromise is to be part of a generation who did something.