Exclusive: Greenville’s Mayor Pledges to Save the Monarch Butterfly

By Charlotte Ward For generations, flutters of orange wings in the spring and fall have delighted people of all ages in South Carolina as they marvel at the migratory monarch butterfly. But populations are dwindling. According to the Xerces Society, monarch butterfly populations, found east of the Rocky Mountains, used to number in the hundreds […]

Eco Guilt v Mom Guilt

Someone asked me recently how disciplined I am when it comes to living sustainably. She asked me if I’d rethink a children’s activity because of plastic and waste. The answer is sometimes yes and sometimes no. For example, we don’t do balloons for birthday parties anymore but we do buy those little fruit snack packets […]

A New Upstate Service Will Refill Any Plastic Container On Your Doorstep!

We all need to cut back on the wasteful and environment-harming single-use plastic we buy but making products from scratch can take time and resources. In recent months, I have been using Amend Market, a new Upstate service that parks up outside my house and refills hand soap, multipurpose cleaner, and laundry powder in the […]